Taken from O CHOROS - The Greek Metal Resource. Reviewed by Alexis "evilgreek" Xanthopoulos
This a really old release but I think it's so good so I have to review it here. This is the first official release of the now legendary black metal band VORPHALACK. Released in 1992 through Molon Lave records this is a true classic. The ep contains of two tracks, "Hall of Death", opens with with clean guitars followed by the midtempo black metal of VORPHALACK. This song has so many good thrash black metal riffs and the right atmosphere that make you shiver of lust. And a really cool heavy metal solo too. The other song "Obsessed" is also a great black/death metal song which starts off with a great keyboard organ intro which later turns into heavy death metal riffs and growling vocals. All musicians that were on this recording except Lord Alatoth is now out of the band. But I really like the musicians on this 7". Especially the guitarist Than who totally kills. Maybe the best guitarist that Vorphalack ever had, if youre not counting todays awesome guitarist Necrolord. The sound quality on "Under the sight of Dragon" is ok in despite that it was recorded in Greece in 1992. And the package design is nice with a nice drawn picture of a dragon and sorcerer....
Sum Up: 4.3